Pilot 5 Week Program to Expand Historic Land Innovations Awareness and Inspire Federal Service at HBCUs

The Client

The Challenge:

Bring to life a pilot program that would invoke a traveling learning experience exploring significant historical land innovations and unifying, US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Historically Black Colleges’s and Universities (HBCU) and the US Forest Service efforts to increase the pipeline of BIPOC students entering anthropology careers and government service.

The Solution (and our approach to it):

We established a cohesive set of itineraries, learning data collection points and interviews to support a curriculum guidebook for program roll-out as well as a planned blueprint to allow for post-pilot program iteration and scalable future deployment.

It was important to introduce opportunities for feedback that could affect the program’s long-term success, allowing for iterations that consider how this pilot could be improved in success roll-out.

It was also important to be able to embed into this pilot the ability to provide stipends to the faculty and students as part of their experience, and a seamless technology setup was established for recurring payments.

The entire pilot was managed virtually.


A pilot group of roughly 20 people, including students, faculty advisors, guest speakers, and site coordinators, experienced a 5-week program exploring historic land innovations, with some participants eager to pursue careers with the Forest Service, the target program outcome.