New Team, New Roles, Major Product Innovations in the Pipeline. From Execution Uncertainty to 5 Step Agile Execution Clarity

The Client

The Challenge:

This project was initiated because of the need to upskill and grow an internal capability to handle new and innovative projects, starting with its leader and flowing downward. The team and its leadership were facing a level of change and evolution in their style of working and communication. Their growth was a move towards agile iterative value delivery and the ability to take large transformational programs, products, and break them into successful deliveries, which required successful self-leadership and team development.

The Solution (and our approach to it):

We created a plan with a mix of coaching, process improvement, and strategy creation.

  • Coaching the front-end team leadership.
  • Coaching and training the front-end team members.
  • Observation (Front-end team + Business Partner Interaction) for feedback, coaching.
  • Framework for all team members to use as a job aid for agile business analysis on projects.

All with the focus on evolving the capability to deliver projects beginning with a looming large project milestone 6 months out from contract start date.


All team members increased their confidence and ability to dive into and negotiate project positions with business partners, as well as proactively identify and mitigate risks.

From the leadership and team perspective, milestones were reached in communication and collaboration triggering changes in meeting frequency, content and efficiency. The ability to take large transformational programs and break them into successful deliveries, using a Floor23 created 5-step Agile execution framework, revised process, and reinforced team performance was set in motion.