How Do Giveaways Work? (+ 6 Tested Hacks for Huge Giveaway Success)

how to do a giveaway on youtube

Have you ever wondered how do giveaways work and how you can use them to boost your brand’s visibility and engagement? In this post, I will walk you through everything you need to know to run a successful giveaway and make it work wonders for your business.

how do giveaways work
Photo Credit: SeventyFour

I’ve always been fascinated by the power of giveaways. As someone who has organized and participated in numerous giveaways across various platforms, I’ve seen firsthand how they can transform your engagement and reach. Whether you’re looking to grow your audience on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, understanding how do giveaways work is central to leveraging them effectively. I’ll share insights and strategies drawn from my personal experiences, along with some tried-and-true hacks to ensure your giveaway is a hit. From what to know before hosting your first giveaway to picking a winner, and practical hacks for success, this guide covers it all. So, let’s get into it.

How Do Giveaways Work? What to Know Before Hosting

how to do a giveaway on facebook
Photo Credit: Vidal Balielo Jr.

Giveaways are not just about giving away freebies; they’re a strategic marketing tool that can yield significant returns when executed correctly. Before you jump into hosting your first giveaway, there are a few important things you need to consider.

  • You need to define your goals. Are you looking to increase your followers, boost engagement, or promote a new product? Knowing your goals will help you structure your giveaway to meet these objectives.
  • Next, you need to understand the rules and regulations of the platform you’re using. Each social media platform has its own set of guidelines for running giveaways. For instance, Instagram requires you to include a disclaimer that your giveaway is not affiliated with Instagram, while Facebook has specific rules about how you can run promotions.
  • You also need to decide on the type of giveaway you’ll host. Will it be a simple “like and comment” contest, a photo contest, or something more elaborate? The type of giveaway you choose should align with your goals and the level of engagement you want to generate.
  • Another significant aspect is determining your target audience. Knowing who you want to attract with your giveaway helps in choosing the right prize and creating a promotion strategy that resonates with them. For example, if you’re targeting fitness enthusiasts, offering a gym membership or fitness gear as a prize would be more appealing than something unrelated. Offering prizes that fit your ideal customers will not only attract the right kind of participants but also increase the chances of converting them into loyal fans or customers.
  • You also need to have a plan for managing the logistics of your giveaway. This includes tracking entries, engaging with participants, and ensuring you can deliver the prize promptly. Planning these details in advance will make your giveaway run smoothly and help you avoid any potential issues.
  • Finally, set clear and concise rules for your giveaway. This includes defining the entry requirements, specifying the prize details, and outlining any age or location restrictions. Transparency is key to building trust with your audience.

Related Post: Top 7 Creative Contest Ideas to Liven Up Any Event

How Are Giveaways Profitable for Businesses?

You might be wondering, how do giveaways work in terms of profitability for businesses? Giveaways can be incredibly beneficial, providing a significant return on investment when done right. Here’s how:

  1. Increased Brand Awareness: Giveaways help spread the word about your brand. When participants share your giveaway with their followers, your brand reaches a wider audience.
  2. Boosted Engagement: People love free stuff! Giveaways encourage people to like, comment, and share your posts, increasing your engagement metrics.
  3. Growing Your Audience: Giveaways are a great way to attract new followers. When you ask participants to follow your account to enter, you’re increasing your follower count.
  4. Generating Leads: You can use giveaways to collect email addresses and other contact information, which you can then use for marketing purposes.
  5. Promoting Products: Giveaways can be an effective way to promote a new product. By offering it as a prize, you generate interest and buzz around it.
  6. Building Customer Loyalty: Hosting regular giveaways shows your audience that you value them, which can help build loyalty and trust.

Businesses often find that the increased visibility and engagement from a successful giveaway translate into higher sales and customer retention. For instance, when you run a giveaway for a new product, the excitement and buzz can lead to higher initial sales. Plus, participants who didn’t win might still be interested in purchasing the product.

Moreover, giveaways provide an excellent opportunity for market research. By monitoring which posts and prizes generate the most interest, you can gain valuable insights into what your audience values and tailor future marketing efforts accordingly.

Steps to Do a Giveaway

how do giveaways work on instagram
Photo Credits: marrio31, Billion Photos

Now that you understand the power of giveaways, let’s talk about the step-by-step process of how to do a giveaway on social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

  1. Define Your Goals: As mentioned earlier, knowing what you want to achieve is the first step.
  2. Choose the Platform: Decide where you want to host your giveaway. Popular choices include Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.
  3. Select a Prize: Pick a prize your target audience will find valuable. It should be relevant to your brand and enticing enough to encourage participation.
  4. Set the Rules: Clearly outline the rules of your giveaway. Make sure they’re easy to understand and follow the platform’s guidelines.
  5. Create the Content: Design engaging content to announce your giveaway. This could be a video, image, or post that highlights the prize and how to enter.
  6. Promote Your Giveaway: Share your giveaway across all your social media channels, email lists, and any other platforms you use.
  7. Monitor and Engage: Throughout the giveaway, interact with participants by liking and responding to comments. This keeps the excitement going and shows you’re engaged.
  8. Choose and Announce the Winner: Use a fair method to pick the winner and announce it in a follow-up post.

When promoting your giveaway, make sure to use a consistent hashtag across all your posts. This helps participants find and follow all related content easily. Additionally, you might consider partnering with other brands or influencers to co-host the giveaway, which can expand your reach and attract more participants.

With the content for your giveaway, make it visually appealing and informative. Use clear images or videos of the prize and include all necessary details about how to enter. A compelling call-to-action (CTA) is crucial to encourage participation.

Also, consider creating a dedicated landing page for your giveaway if you’re hosting it on your website. This page can provide detailed information about the giveaway, entry rules, and a form for participants to submit their entries.

During the promotion phase, leverage all available channels. Besides your social media platforms, promote your giveaway through email newsletters, blog posts, and even paid ads if your budget allows. The more visibility your giveaway gets, the higher the participation will be.

How Do You Pick the Winner of a Giveaway?

Picking a winner can be the most exciting part of the giveaway process. Here’s how you can do it fairly:

  1. Random Selection: This is the most common method. You can use tools like Innobear to manage the entire process or a comment picker tool to randomly select a winner from the entries. If you’re using random selection, make sure to document the process to maintain transparency. You can record a video of the selection process and share it with your audience to show that the winner was chosen fairly.
  2. Judging Panel: If your giveaway involves creativity, like a photo or essay contest, you might want a panel of judges to pick the best entry.
  3. Public Voting: Let your audience vote for their favorite entry. This method not only engages your audience but also drives more traffic to your page.

In case you opt for a judging panel or public voting, establish clear criteria for selecting the winner. This ensures that the process is fair and that the best entry wins. Public voting can be particularly engaging, but be cautious of vote manipulation. Use a reliable voting system to ensure fairness.

It’s important to announce the winner promptly and transparently. Share a post celebrating the winner, and consider showcasing some of the best entries if your giveaway was based on creativity. This not only acknowledges participants’ efforts but also keeps the excitement alive for future giveaways. After announcing the winner, follow up promptly to arrange the prize delivery. A smooth and timely prize distribution leaves a positive impression on participants and enhances your brand’s credibility.

Tested and Practical Hacks for Giveaways

how to do a giveaway on tiktok
Photo Credit: View Apart

Now, let’s look at some tried-and-true hacks that will help you amplify the success of your giveaways and maximize engagement:

  1. Set Clear and Simple Rules: Complicated rules can deter people from entering. Keep your entry requirements straightforward to encourage more participation.
  2. Use High-Quality Visuals: Eye-catching images or videos can attract more attention to your giveaway post. Make sure your visuals are high-quality and highlight the prize.
  3. Leverage Influencers: Partnering with influencers can amplify your giveaway’s reach. Find influencers who align with your brand and have a genuine following.
  4. Promote Across Multiple Channels: Don’t limit your giveaway to just one platform. Promote it on all your social media channels, website, and email list for maximum exposure.
  5. Create a Sense of Urgency: Limited-time giveaways create a sense of urgency and encourage quick participation. Set a deadline for entries to keep the momentum going.
  6. Engage With Participants: Respond to comments, thank people for entering, and keep the conversation going. Engaged participants are more likely to share your giveaway and boost its reach.

To further boost engagement, consider offering additional entries for participants who share your giveaway post, tag friends, or follow your other social media accounts. This not only increases the reach of your giveaway but also encourages more interaction with your content.


Now, you know the answer to the common question “How do giveaways work?” Running a successful giveaway can seem daunting, but once you understand how giveaways work, it becomes much simpler. By defining your goals, choosing the right platform, setting clear rules, and engaging with your audience, you can make your giveaway a hit. Remember to use the tested hacks I’ve shared to maximize your giveaway’s success and enjoy the benefits it brings to your brand.

And if you’re looking for a platform to host your innovation or engagement challenges, check out InnoBear. Our cloud-based software simplifies the complexity of hosting such challenges and manages the pipeline of ideas all the way to implementation. So, are you ready to host your first giveaway?

Read Next: Planning International Giveaways: 8 Essential Factors to Consider for Launching Successful Global Sweepstakes

This post was all about how do giveaways work.

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